Initiatives to Respect Human Rights
Basic approach
Due to the increasing importance of respect for human rights in business globally, plus other factors such as diverse values and globalization of supply chains, there are strong expectations that companies will consider human rights in their corporate activities. To realize sustainable society, the Aichi Steel Group will provide value to society and remain a company of choice that is trusted by society at large. We will promote efforts to respect the human rights of all people involved in our corporate activities by dealing with each and every one of our stakeholders with sincerity.
Human rights policy
Through the Aichi Way, which is the Aichi Steel Group's set of common values, and the Aichi Steel Group's Action Guidelines, the Group has always demonstrated the importance of human rights and managed its business in a way that values people. In March 2023, however, we created the Aichi Steel Group's Human Rights Policy with the approval of the Board of Directors to clarify our human rights policy, promote understanding outside the Group, and raise awareness among our employees. In accordance with the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," it is positioned as the Aichi Steel Group's highest policy regarding human rights that all officers and employees should comply with. We have also advised all of our business partners, including suppliers, of this policy to gain their understanding and support.
See the following link for the Aichi Steel Group's Human Rights Policy.
Initiative scheme
The following is a representation of development of the Aichi Steel Group's Human Rights Policy, based on the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."
Promotion structures
Initiatives to respect human rights are discussed by members of the executive in the Top Management Meeting and regularly reported to the Board of Directors.
Roles of each meeting
Meetings | Composition | Respect for human rights roles |
Board of Directors | Chair: Chairperson of the Board
Top Management Meeting | Chair: President
Roles of each division
Divisions | Roles |
Human Resources Div. |
General Affairs Div. |
Purchasing Div. |
Corporate Planning Div. |
Employee awareness and understanding
Aichi Steel is conducting activities to promote employee understanding of human rights to encourage them to act in line with its human rights policy. We have previously provided education on respect for human rights at various times, including when joining the company and receiving promotions, but we took the opportunity of our new human rights policy to update this education. In addition to new online human rights education videos for all Group employees, and briefings on the human rights policy for general managers, we are conducting other activities to promote awareness and understanding of human rights.
Human rights due diligence
Aichi Steel started conducting human rights due diligence in April 2023 in response to human rights risks to society through its corporate activities. We are developing due diligence structures for Aichi Steel and domestic Group companies while interviewing relevant parties and conducting written surveys. Going forward, we will identify and evaluate important risks and confirm the management status of specific expected human rights risks, and we will implement prevention and mitigation measures if necessary, and verify their impact. In addition to reporting progress of these activities to the Board of Directors, we also publish them when appropriate through our website and the Integrated Report.
Consultation contact point
In addition to establishing an internal whistle-blowing system for the Aichi Steel Group and suppliers in Japan, Aichi Steel has also established a contact point for all consultations on topics including harassment, childcare and nursing care, and mental health at the company. Including the human rights consultation contact point that we established in fiscal 2023 for all stakeholders, both internal and external, we are developing grievance remedy mechanisms.
Going forward, we will continue to improve the level of our human rights activities, from improved structures for respect for human rights due diligence and the grievance remedy mechanisms to a steady improvement in understanding of our human rights policy.